Hey guys! So some months ago I was in England and I was happily able to explore some new places. So today I wanted to show you some of the places that I visited!
Lets start with the seven sister cliffs. They are located in the south of England and you will need a two hour ride from London to get there. So when we arrived I was totally overwhelmed because I was not expecting to see such a huge beach with those white and extremely high cliffs! So be sure to check out this beautiful place!
When we finally arrived in London, the first thing we did was doing some sightseeing and for sure, shopping. I loved strolling through the city with its perfect and relaxed atmosphere. I can't really explain the London vibes but it rather feels familiar then being in a huge and world famous city. The streets were so lovely and decorated in every little corner. The London street style was amazing as well, everyone looked so cool, like nothing could stress these people (reminds me of this typical english saying, keep calm and love...). The architecture was gorgeous as well and you can find old and new buildings and even more skyscrapers seem to change the skyline of London.
Now lets move over to english food! I loved doing this "coffee hopping" thing in London, because you can find cute cafes in every corner of the city. But not just the coffee was super yummy, same counts for the food and because I've never been to Pret a Manger, I totally felt in love with the shop and it became my second home when I was in London, ups. I also visited Brighton, so fish and chips by the sea was a MUST! And I can surely tell you, this was the best one I ever had! (so now I know why everyones been talking about fish n' chips)
The last location I want to explain to you, is the zero meridian in Greenwich, which is, I guess an part of London as well. So like the name of this platform says it's the famous zero meridian. But not just the meridian. All in all, Greenwich is such a cute little place and you can go there by ferry. Before reaching the mountain with the platform, you will cross a beautiful park with some street musicians before reaching the top and being able to have a overview over London. We reached the top by sunset and I was totally blown away (so I almost cried haha), seriously this was the most beautiful sunset I've ever seen.